Frequently Asked Questions

A.    Is invoice the actual pricing the dealer pays the manufacturer for the product?

                        Answer:  It may be.  The invoice price is calculated to be the same as the amount the dealer is invoiced or billed by the manufacturer for the product, including any optional features installed by the manufacturer.The invoice price is gathered from sources and or/based on algorithms or estimates.  No assurance or guarantee can be given that this information is accurate, complete or current, or that it will be free of errors and omissions.  Unless indicated, the invoice price does not include shipping from manufacturer, dealer prep, taxes, title, license and other fees as applicable.  The invoice price also does not include any dealer costs associated with running the dealership, which include costs such as mortgage or rent, insurance, etc.  In addition, the invoice price does not include any retail or wholesale incentives the manufacturer may be offering to the purchaser or the dealer. 



B.     Is invoice price the same as dealer cost? Is it reasonable to expect to pay dealer cost?

                        Answer:  It would be very rare indeed for invoice to equal dealer cost.  Dealer cost varies per industry, per product and per dealer, and is based on a wide variety of factors.  In addition to the invoice price, there are other product factors, such as shipping from the manufacturer to the dealer, handling, and dealer prep.  There are incentive factors, including retail or wholesale incentives the manufacturer may be offering to the purchaser or the dealer.  There are cost of doing business factors, including but certainly not limited to inventory carrying costs, insurance, facility costs, labor, marketing and advertising, customer service, parts and accessories, service department costs, other overhead costs, etc.  And there is dealer profit to consider.  It is critical for a dealer to earn enough profit to be able to invest in facilities, systems, personnel, and customer support to ensure their customers’ ownership experience is as good, or better, than expected – on an ongoing basis.

C.     What other costs are associated with a purchase?

                        Answer:  These costs may vary by product, by state, and can vary by county or geographical area.  In addition to shipping from manufacturer to dealer, handling and dealer prep, there may be delivery fees, taxes, title and license fees, processing fees, financing fees, and other fees as applicable.

D.    Does this information cost me anything?

                        Answer:  No, the information on the site is free!  We hope it is easy to access and helps you make an informed purchase decision.

E.     Can I find out the invoice price of a product with all the features I want?

                        Answer:  Absolutely.  All you have to do is go to the product you are interested in, click on the model, and put a check in the boxes in front of the optional features you choose.  As you check each optional feature, the MSRP and Invoice prices will automatically update.  You will then have a product with corresponding pricing that is configured to your needs!  Of course, all the specifications and standard equipment are listed for your review as well.

F.      Is there a limit on how many configurations I can do?

                        Answer:  No.  You can configure as many products as you desire.  If you create an account by registering, you can save your configurations for reference and comparison at a later time.  You can also print out your configurations (one at a time) by submitting your configuration.  We will convert your configuration into a pdf. and email it to you instantly!

G.    Can I compare, side by side, product configurations?

                        Answer:  You can if you print out each configuration and compare them manually.  Currently, this cannot be done within the site.  However, we do plan to add this function in the future.

H.    Can I find my local dealer or dealers?

                        Answer:  Yes!  You can search for dealers in a radius up to 200 miles from your location.  You can also search for dealers that carry a specific brand (as long as the manufacturer of the brand is a participating manufacturer).  Dealers will be indicated on a map.  The map is interactive, and can be sized down to the street level.  Dealer information includes dealer name, street address, city, state and zip code, as well as phone number.  In addition, the distance from the center point of your zip code and the dealer location is listed.

I.       Can I request a quote from a dealer?

                        Answer:  You can request a quote from dealers of participating manufacturers only.  You will know if the manufacturer is participating if the Request A Quote function is visible just below the Options section. Requesting a quote is easy to do.  Simply configure the product to your needs, check the box in front of the dealer name, fill in your information, and submit!  Your contact information, along with the product configuration, will be sent to the dealer, allowing them to prepare your quote!

J.       Can I find out if a dealer has the product model I am interested in?

                        Answer:  Not through the site, however dealer contact information is provided for dealers of participating manufacturers.  In addition, dealer contact information is provided for a large list of non-participating dealers through the Dealer Locator section.  To determine if the dealer has the model and/or configuration you are interested in, just email them or give them a call!

K.    Can I buy a product from SDC?

                        Answer:  No.  We do not sell any products or services through our site.  We encourage you to contact your local dealer/retailer to purchase products and/or services.  They are best equipped to handle the transaction and to take care of your needs during, and after the purchase!

L.     How do I find out if the manufacturer is running a promotion on the product in which I am interested?

                        Answer:  Soon you will be able to click on the Incentives tab located on the landing page of the product category you are researching.  Manufacturers that are running promotions will be listed, along with the details of the promotions.  To double-check, we encourage you to visit the manufacturer’s website, or contact the local dealer directly, to obtain retail incentive information and details.

M.   Can I find out what licenses and registrations I need in order to operate a recreational product?

                        Answer:  There are many good resources available for this information.  To determine licenses and registrations, as well as other state regulations and fees, we encourage you to visit your state resource for this information.  Your local dealer is a great source of knowledge for this contact information.

N.    What happens if I click on an ad or a manufacturer’s link?

                        Answer:  You will be taken to the advertiser’s or manufacturer’s site.  When you are finished, just close out their site and you will be right back where left off on our site!

O.    Can I contact you if I have a question or problem with the site?

                        Answer:  Absolutely.  Just click on the Contact Us link and you will be able to submit your questions or comments directly to us.  A customer service representative will address your questions or comments directly.

P.      Can I find out what the market value of my current product is?

                        Answer:  You can find out the NADA market value of most pre-owned recreational products by clicking on the Pre-Owned Values link.  You can then search by manufacturer, by year and by model.  In addition, some optional features may be available to include while determining the NADA market value of your current product.  Market value may vary based on equipment, condition, local market influences, and other factors.  In addition to NADA, there are other ways to determine market value.  These other ways include ABOS market valuation guides, BUC market valuation guides, market sampling, etc.  Market valuations may vary by method used.  Trade-in value may vary from market value and is ultimately determined by the dealer.

Q.    What, if anything, is done with my contact information?

                        Answer:  Please refer to our Privacy Policy located on our site for a detailed answer to this question.

Finance & Insurance

Any reference obtained from this server to a specific commercial product, process, or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement by See Dealer Cost, of the product, process, or service, or its producer or provider. It also does not imply an endorsement of See Dealer Cost by any company listed. The information is provided as a convenience for our users.

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